Hello everybody.
Today's blog is about... PUCCA!

Pucca (뿌까 ['pˤukˤa] in Korean) is a media franchise from the South Korean company Vooz Co., Ltd. and currently distributed in the US by The Walt Disney Company.
The main character Pucca is the 11-year old niece of three Chinese noodle house owners. The Noodle House is located in Sooga Village, a small village in the mountains. Pucca is in love with the 12-year-old ninja, "Garu" (가루 ['garoo]). Pucca always seems to beat him in combat and unintentional competition, simply by sheer wit.
With dumpling hairstyle and refreshing smile. Pucca is the youngest daughter of Guh-Ryong Chinese Restaurant and by accident, fell in love with Garu at first sight. She begged to her father to open up a branch of Guh-Ruong Chinese Restaurant in Garu's village. Her goal is winning him over.

A descendent of an ancient ninja. His life goal is reconstructing ... to follow his father's will. Often he is attacked by mysterious group of ninja. Usually training n the forest near his house, but somethimes hits the road for travels. Energizing swordman skill and doppelgager skill are the best.
A descendent of an ancient ninja. His life goal is reconstructing ... to follow his father's will. Often he is attacked by mysterious group of ninja. Usually training n the forest near his house, but somethimes hits the road for travels. Energizing swordman skill and doppelgager skill are the best.

Rag of his martial skil, so being eager. Considers himself asd a ladies' man.
Rag of his martial skil, so being eager. Considers himself asd a ladies' man.




The characters are quite popular in Europe and Asia, with TV animation in cartoon channels in Europe, Central and South America. These animations were compiled into a DVD, available in Germany. A UK children's book publisher (Hodder's) has also published a series of Pucca children's books. .Pucca has also attained a small, but dedicated, cult following in the U.S. after its release on television through Disney and products featured in "Morning Glory" stationery stores across America, mainly in large malls. The UK also has pencil cases/tins, which have become quite popular, stationery items, and notebooks/diaries. In Israel, a Pucca-branded snack was launched on May, 2006.
There's also a PUCCA-PHONE!